Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Documentary exposes poverty in Cuba

Documentary exposes poverty in Cuba
Written By: Vanessa Remmers
October 1, 2012

There is a place in Havana where the drains run brown and green sludge
gathers around an old refrigerator at the water's edge. A onesie dries
on a clothesline as a child grabs a rusted window frame to swing over a
cracked pipeline.

Some say this was where the rich kept their horses before the Revolution
— a family now lives where a trough once stood. Others say this is where
the slaves lived.

But for Duniesky Canton Fernandez, this place was once home. For his
father, it is still home.

Fernandez's father is one of 155 inhabitants living in the 43 units of
Solar 11, a public housing unit declared uninhabitable by the Cuban
government. Forty-seven of Solar 11's inhabitants are 15 years old or

"I already was familiar with this solar, as my father lives there and
one of these tiny places actually belongs to me, and I wasn't surprised
at all at the living conditions because I was raised in a solar,"
Fernandez said in an email.

Fernandez, now 30 years old, returned to his childhood home in order to
film a documentary that draws attention to the living conditions of a
population quickly disappearing from Cuban and international attention.
Fernandez filmed the documentary, "Solar 11," along with his Instituto
Superior de Arte classmate Maria Elena Perez.

Although the living conditions did not surprise Fernandez, an interview
with Maritsa and Yasser, a couple four years younger than Fernandez and
living in Solar 11, stuck with him.

"[Both] live a life of necessity but still conserve happiness and
charisma typical of the Cuban," Fernandez said in an email.

Perez, 25, comes from a different background than Fernandez. She
describes her family as an orchestra, her father a documentary filmmaker
and her mother a dentist. When she stepped into the world of those who
live in the solar, she was stepping into a new world.

"My reaction was like an explorer who sits at home and has not seen the
elephant in her garden. Because the place is huge and more than 155
people live there," Perez said in an email.

One of the last images of the documentary is an old woman painting the
words "Live Fidel C.D.R. #11" while she notes that 101 of Solar 11's 155
inhabitants are 15 to 64 years old.

CDR, the Committee of the Defense of the Revolution, was a network of
neighborhood committees established by Fidel Castro in 1960 to root out
anti-revolutionary activity immediately following the overthrow of
Fulgencio Batista.

Fernandez says that, ironically, the organization has created an
atmosphere of neighbor spying on neighbor.

For some of the Solar 11 inhabitants who lived through the revolution,
the public housing and the CDR operating within the solar are not so
bad. Yet some of the younger Solar 11 inhabitants dream of getting out.

"Generations have lived different stages of the same process, so the
older generation has declined [to move] in their faith and courage to
stay there," Perez said in an email. "On the other hand, the new
generation is experiencing the transformation of the place because of
its growth. They don't recoil from their existence there, it's part of
their daily lives."

When the documentary won an American University contest, Duniesky and
Perez were granted a trip to the United States, making them two of the
first Cuban students to visit America.

The Middle Passage Project at the College of William and Mary, which
explores the effects of the transatlantic slave trade and is spearheaded
by Professor Joanne Braxton, sponsored the student's trip to the College.

Perez entered the College classroom with a large smile and a loud,
"Buenos tardes." Fernandez was quieter, but offered a polite "hola" as
their American University host introduced them to the College students
whose class they were shadowing.

"The opportunity to show a Cuba different from the one the world
imagines," Fernandez said of his desire to come to America.

Although both Fernandez and Perez appreciated the freedom of expression
and information while in America, both thought the United States should
change its role in regard to developing countries like Cuba.

"Politics is not my forte, but I understand that if someone big wants an
apple, we should all cling to the tree where we live. So a change of
role would not hurt," Perez said in an email.

The materialism of America was another culture shock.

"The biggest difference is the money," Perez said in an email. "I think
some people are as connected to their environment as they are to their
own lives. Others lack this connection, because they see only the
surface of the culture they are supposed to emulate, like being good
students or reaching the pinnacle of success in their careers."

Perez and Fernandez returned to Cuba last week. Perez hopes to revisit
Solar 11, but this time with the goal of advocating for better living
conditions. Fernandez plans to continue to improve the collective
reality through documentary work.

"Cuba is my mother and a mother is accepted. I like Cuban culture, the
warmth of her people, their constant laughter, even when something
hurts," Perez said in an email. "Cuba needs a mental revolution … an
exorcism of her ills. I'd like to change what hurts. What she does not


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